Thursday, April 7, 2011

Comments on Libya
I agree with your stance that it is important for us to provide a helping hand to remove ruthless dictators from office and allow the citizens to establish a democratic government and give themselves a voice without too many ideas of how to do so from the United States and other world powers. The people know what they want and usually have some ideas of their own on how to best establish a governing body that would benefit the country as a whole. The importance of technology to these revolutions has been greatly evident. Young people especially in these countries have seen online what life is like and how much better it is by comparison in places like Western Europe and the United States.

A major opinion I possess on the use of military force to remove those in power is that when our leaders do make the call to go in, I believe we should go in with force and get the job done quickly; wasting time and letting said dictator and his supporters oppress the populace even further only breeds feelings of contempt for us among those we are seeking to help.

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